≥ 10吨¥4850.00
轻 轨:8kg、12kg、15kg、18kg、22kg、24kg、30kg
重 轨:38kg、43kg、50kg、60kg
起重轨:QU70、QU80、 QU100、 QU120
Jiangsu || eighty Kg length rail crane rail, other heavy rail rail series spot extremely accessories order, standard 80 track width 80mm, width and height are 130mm, waist thickness 32mm; the use of high-quality raw materials, commonly used in domestic U71Mn, 80 steel rail steel series should be mainly used in ports, shipyards, large machinery plant and some other large tonnage heavy-duty vehicle use! Judging from the first half of the performance of most of the rail manufacturers recently, it is true that profits have been generally realized, and profitability has indeed been directly related to the rise in rail steel prices. Data show that in the first half, the average steel settlement prices rose 49.10%. However, this price increase is in the steel industry in the past, long suffering from "land of steel to disrupt the market order is bitter, the price of steel is not the normal low background made, is to return to its value of steel products.从QU100钢轨历史价格的纵向对比来看,截至今年6月底,CSPI中国钢材价格指数为101.03点,较5月底上升1.77%,较去年底仅上升1.53%,同期上升48.95%。这表明:在供给侧结构性改革深入推进的背景下,QU120钢轨价格正在从过去的不正常低位回归到正常合理区间,因此溧水/高淳/南京/江阴/宜兴/无锡/海安/如东/启东/如皋/海门/南通/赣榆/东海/灌云/灌南/连云港/溧阳/金坛/常州/涟水/洪泽/盱眙/金湖/淮安/响水/滨海/阜宁/射阳/建湖/东台/大丰/盐城/丹阳/扬中/句容/镇江/兴化/靖江/泰兴/姜堰/泰州/沭阳/泗阳/泗洪/宿迁/常熟/昆山/吴江/太仓/张家港/苏州/丰县/沛县/铜山/睢宁/新沂/邳州/徐州/宝应/仪征/高邮/江都/扬州,今年上半年QU70钢轨价格同比出现较大幅度上涨;而从去年下半年开始,70Kg钢轨价格始终稳定在这一区间内,表明这一价格是当前市场供需关系的合理体现。从更早的数据来看,当0Kg钢轨的价格水平仅与1994年的120Kg钢轨价格水平基本持平,而同期,进口铁矿石价格则增长了1.5倍以上,涨幅远远80Kg钢轨价格。