≥ 1吨¥8225.00
南充保温漂珠 发热冒口漂珠 20-100目细漂珠价格多少钱 安家净生产 珠具有的耐火度,一般达1600-1700摄氏度,使其成为的耐火材料。
as (N2 and H2 and CO2, etc.), heat transfer is very slow.So drift beads not only light (250-450 kg/m3 density), excellent heat preservation and heat insulation and thermal conductivity at room temperature (0.08-0.1), which play a prominent role in the field of lightweight thermal insulation material for its laid a solid foundation.
3, high hardness, high strength: because of drift beads on
3、硬度大、强度高:由于漂珠是以硅铝氧化物矿物相(石英和莫来石)形成的坚硬玻璃体,硬度可达莫氏6-7级,静压强度高达70-140MPa,真密度2.10-2.on the other hand, increases with the increase of temperature resistance.This advantage is don't have other insulating materials.So, it can make is performance under the condition of high temperature insulation products.20g/cm3,因此,漂珠具有很高的强度。一般轻质多孔或中空材料如珍珠岩、沸岩、硅藻土、海浮石、膨胀蛭石等均是硬度差、强度差,用其制的保温隔热制品或轻质耐火制品,都有强度差的缺点。他们的短处恰恰是漂珠的长处,所以漂珠就更有竞争优势,用途更广。