
光电混合光缆的结构是将 250μm 光纤套入高模量材料制成的松套管中,松套管内填充防水化合物。缆芯中心为FRP或金属加强件(有些结构需在加强件加一层PE垫层)。电线与松套管(和填充绳)围绕中心加强芯绞合成紧凑和圆形的缆芯,缆芯内的缝隙充以阻水填充物。双面涂塑钢带(PSP)纵包后挤制聚乙烯或低烟无卤(LSZH)护套成缆。
· 具有很好的柔韧性和机械性能
• Excellent flexibility and mechanical properties
 · 光电一体,充分节约管道资源       
• Optoelectronic integration, fully saving pipeline resources
 · 电缆部分与光缆部分保持相对立的结构,便于安装时的引入、引出和连接
• The cable section is relatively independent of the cable section for easy introduction, extraction and connection
 · 将电源线、电话线、电视线、网线、监控线、资料线等多网合一,节约了成本
• Costs of power lines, telephone lines, TV lines, network cables, monitoring lines, data lines, etc.
 · 较大的工作温度范围    
• Larger operating temperature range
 · 较大的施工温度范围
• Larger construction temperature range
 · 光缆直径和弯曲半径小,在狭小空间也能自由安装同事相容光信号传输和电能传输  
 • Fiber optic cable diameter and bending radius is small, in a small space can also be free to install colleagues Compatible optical signal transmission and power transmission
技术优势Technical advantages
· 优化输电线路设计,节约电能效果显著。   
• Optimize transmission line design with significant energy savings.
· 光电合一,在传输电能同时传达资讯,并能检测线路工作状态。 
• Optoelectronic unity, in the transmission of energy at the same time to convey information, and can detect the line work.
· 光纤复合在电线内,杜绝地线上落雷引发的光纤断股、断纤事故。  
• Fiber composite in the wire, put an end to ground lightning caused by broken fiber breakage, broken fiber accident.
· 不会因场强的作用而导致光缆遭遇电腐蚀或引发的毁缆、断纤事故。 
• The cable will not be subject to electrical corrosion or damage caused by field strength.
· 没有给原有路线附加额外线路负荷带来的隐患。  
• There is no additional risk of adding additional line loads to the original route.    
使用领域 Use area
· 电信网建设
• Telecommunication network construction
· 乡村,城镇偏远地区通信基站建设   
 • Construction of remote base stations in rural areas and towns
· 城市住宅社区及楼宇的光纤入户    
• Urban residential communities and buildings for fiber-optic homes
· 安防监控项目    
 • Security monitoring project
· 其他需要资讯与电力同时用到的场合   
• Other situations where information and electricity are used at the same time
产品标准 Product Standards
光电缆的拉伸,压扁,冲击,反复弯曲,扭转,捲绕,磨损等符合YD/T 901-2001要求。
Light cable tensile, flattening, impact, repeated bending, twisting, winding, wear and so on in line with YD / T 901-2001 requirements.
光学特性Optical Characteristics 
  G.652 50/125 62.5/125
Maximum attenuation @850nm   3.5dB/km 3.5dB/km
@1300nm   1.5dB/km 1.5dB/km
@1310nm 0.45dB/km    
@1550nm 0.30dB/km    
Typical attenuation @850nm   3.0dB/km 3.0dB/km
@1300nm 1.0dB/km 1.0dB/km
@1310nm 0.40dB/km    
@1550nm 0.25dB/km    
Minimum broadband @850nm   400MHz·km 160MHz·km
@1300nm   800MHz·km 500MHz·km
项目  Project 技术要求 Skills requirement 备注 Remarks
  Allow bending radius 动态 Dynamic 30D  
静态 Static 20D  
  Allow tension 短期 Short term 3000  
长期 Long Term 1500  
Allow the flattening force  短期 Short term 3000  
长期 Long Term 1000  
Operating temperature range 电线 Electric wire -15℃~+70℃ Comply
with GB5023-1997
除电线以外的其他材料 Other than wire -40℃~+70℃  
  Water resistance / water resistance 长期浸泡在水中不渗水 Long-term soaking in the water does not seepage 电线内导体除外 Except for conductors inside the wire
不产生漏电 Does not produce leakage
Construction temperature range -20℃~+60℃ 除电线外 Except for wires
0℃~+60℃ 电线 Electric wire
重量  Weight 347kg/km (RV-2*2.5mm)
382kg/km (RV-4*2.5mm)
502kg/km (RV-6*2.5mm)
628kg/km (RV-8*2.5mm)  
机械性能  Machine performance 光缆的拉伸,压扁,冲击,反复弯曲,扭转,捲绕,磨损等符合YD/T901-2001试验要求 Cable stretching, flattening, impact, repeated bending, twisting, winding, wear and so on in line with YD / T901-2001 test requirements
适用的敷设方式 Applicable laying method 适合管道,槽道,电缆沟,架空,直埋等敷设方式 Suitable for piping, channel, cable trench, overhead, buried and other laying methods

储存,使用温度: -20℃ 至 + 60℃ Storage, use temperature: -20 ℃ to +60 ℃



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