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温变浆Temperature plasma
温变浆主要产品品种有:温变毛巾浆、温变方巾浆、温变浴巾浆、遇水变色毛巾浆,遇水变色浴巾浆,礼品蛋糕毛巾浆、儿童系列抱被用变色颜料等。从无色到有色 ,从有色到无色,神奇的魔法变色颜料已成为旅游、温泉、宾馆、婚庆,影楼,洗浴品牌公司的特色佳商品。 本厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的广泛认可,温变毛巾浆产品大江南北全国各地,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。我们本着利益共享,紧密合作的原则,根据客户要求来订制变色颜料,打造具特色的印花王国,为更好的与国内外新老客商进行广泛交流,共同发展而努力。
Temperature plasma main products are: heat towel pulp, temperature change square pulp, warm bath towel pulp, pulp color towel, under the influence of water color change under the influence of water bath towel pulp, pulp cake gift towel, children's series have used color pigments, etc. From colorless to color, from color to colorless, magical color pigment has become a tourist, spa, hotel, wedding, studio, bath preferred brand company's high-end features the best goods. Our integrity, strength and product quality gain wide recognition in the industry, pulp temperature towel products are exported to great river north and south across the country, has a complete and scientific quality management system. We in line with the benefit sharing, the principle of close cooperation, according to the customer request custom color pigments, create the most perfect printing kingdom, for the better with the new and old customers at home and abroad conduct extensive exchanges and common development.


公司生产的温变浆分为以下几大类productions of temperature plasma is divided into the following categories:
Can inversion variable of paste: room temperature shows a certain color, color disappear after heating to colorless, immediately return to the original color after cooling, because of the change process of reversible;
Inversion be hair paste: at room temperature shows colorless, into a different color after heating, cooling and then revert to the original colorless, because of the change process of reversible;
Inversion available for transfer printing ink: thermal paste at room temperature display color, into a different color after heating, because of the change process of reversible; Color towel is to use color pigment printing, with the temperature change, make pattern color change, the dynamic variation of the unique effects.

基本颜色: 大红、朱红、玫红、桃红、橙红、金黄、紫罗兰、深蓝、蓝色、绿色、黑色、土耳其蓝
Basic color: bright red, scarlet,rose red, pink, orange, yellow, violet, dark blue, blue, green, black, Turkey

Color changing function textile printing can also be said of textiles hidden copy of flowers, is to make the patterns on the textile color as the change of ambient temperature, the change of light and shade, the change of dry wet fabric, etc., caused by the patterns of change of colour and lustre is revealing function. Is the pattern on the fabric colour and lustre by conventional dynamic "of" static into exotically, its colour and lustre is usually reversible changes.

烘干温度:80-100度(几分钟)Drying temperature: 80-80 degrees (a few minutes)


主营:夜光 温变 光变粉,夜光 温变 光变油墨,夜光 温变 光变油漆,夜光 温变 光变浆
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