≥ 1千克¥150.00
夜光浆Luminous slurry
一、发光形式Light form:
Long-lasting luminescent glow plasma to absorb all kinds of light and heat, is converted into light energy storage, and then automatically light in the darkness, by absorbing all kinds of visible light functions, the goods do not contain radioactive elements, and unlimited number of recycling, especially below 450 nm for short-wave visible light, sunlight and ultraviolet light (UV light) has a strong absorption ability.
二、夜光浆用于印刷Luminous paste used for printing:
使用前需搅拌均匀。 印刷背景使用白色或反光色系为主,可提高所印图案的亮度与发光时间。 蓄光型自发光油墨,可持续发光12小时以上,其吸光-蓄光-发光过程无限循环,使用。
In order to reduce the luminous powder in the problem of precipitation in the coating, you can high-speed stirring, and add anti-settling agents, avoid by all means use metal utensils and blend, and avoid high-speed friction.
Need to stir well before use. Print white background is used or reflective color is given priority to, can improve the brightness of the printed pattern and luminous. Storage self-luminous light ink, sustainable emitting more than 12 hours, the suction light - light - light storage process infinite loops, permanent use.
Luminous slurry properties: water
Printing way: for screen printing
可承印物:纸张 布料 等
Substrates: paper cloth, etc
Save: should be sealed, dark, dry preservation, avoid direct sunlight.
Screen printing mesh: luminous ink containing noctilucent powder particles, mesh size in the range of 100 mesh to 150 mesh. The paper (150-180 mesh) mesh