≥ 120千克¥22.00
水性丙烯酸乳液 ZH-6014
1. General description 说明
TYPE OF RESIN: Self-crosslinking acrylic emulsion
树 脂 类 别: 自交联丙烯酸乳液
DELIVERY FORM : 40% in water
供 应 状 态: 40% 水乳液
2.Specification of supply 产品规格
Property Value Unit Value Unit
项目指标单位 指标 单位
Solid content (固体份) 40±2 %
PH 值(25°C) 7.5-9.0
Appearance(外观) Hazy, White-yellowish liquid
Viscosity Brookfield(粘度25℃) 50-500 mPa.s
3. Film properties 漆膜性能
- Water, alcohol and detergent resistance 耐水,耐醇以及耐清洁剂
- Good transparence 透明性好
4. Recommendation for application 使用建议
- ZH-6014 适用于单组份水性木器家装,家具或工业木器涂料
ZH-6014 is suitable for 1-pack of water-based wood coating in decorating, furniture and industry.
- ZH-6014 适用于塑胶涂料
ZH-6014 is suitable for plastic coating
- ZH-6014 在添加少量成膜助剂的作用下可以更好地成膜
ZH-6014 requires the addition of coalescents for good film formation
- ZH-6014 能与多数丙烯酸乳液及聚氨酯分散体相容
ZH-6014 is compatible with a range of acrylic emulsions and polyurethane dispersions
The present information, although believed reliable, has to be considered as indicative. The use made of these information shall in no way whatever entail any responsibility on our part including the infringement of patents or licenses. It is a user‘s responsibility to check the suitability of the product for a given use