≥ 10件¥1.00
联系电话: 付秀晶
★ 有效调整肠道菌群平衡,维持肠道正常的微生物区系,抑制大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌等有害菌的生长繁殖,促进乳酸菌、双歧杆菌等有益菌的生长,促进禽肠道健康。
★ 有益菌在禽体内合成Β族维生素、氨基酸等营养物质与外加多维素协同作用。
★ 提高饲料的消化利用率,促进肠道发育,提高采食量、日增重,降低料肉比。
★ 促进蛋禽的产蛋率提高,降低料蛋比,显著改善蛋壳色泽,降低蛋壳破损率。
★ 增强肉禽的机体生长率,增强体重值,降低料肉比,使肉质达到的指标。
★ 改善非特异性功能,有效提高雏禽成活率和整齐度,降低死淘率。
★ 强化机体抵御疾病能力,减少呼吸道、消化道、肠道等疾病的发病率。
★ 增加肉、蛋的品质风味,胆固醇含量下降20-40﹪健康特点。
★ 净化饲养环境,降低舍内氨氮等有害气体浓度,减少粪便中水分含量,除臭、祛蝇蚊等。
Then the bicycle couldn't move, and then he bought an electric three wheel, and the business started out as a kind of dried fruit and peanut. The old man had no children, the old companion had passed away, and the family was left alone. Because one eye is disabled, the old man starts the business of selling melon seeds.
Hutong is not only the old man on the head of a stall and Liu Dajie vegetable stall, Wang Ge barbershop, old head XiuXieTan, Zhang Taipo groceries, hutong is from the men's laughter every day wake up in the beginning. Occasionally, not sleeping in and buying breakfast through the hutongs, you will always see where a few people are waiting for the goods to be busy. The old man was the most active of the group. He was always busy with his work, helping others organize the goods and the stands. When I left the group, the old man didn't forget to say hello to me, "you are a good model today, and get up early to buy food." I also smile to say: "no way, wife have order." In the laughter of the people, there is a kind of thick life texture and sweet silk life.
蛋鸭益生素 鸭益生素 蛋鸭提高产蛋