≥ 10件¥15.50
A、工模防锈喷剂提供一层超薄的绿色软胶,在潮湿的环境下具有理想的防锈及排水功能。 本产品广泛应用于塑胶模具工业,特别适合生产、运送及储藏中的塑胶模具、金属零件及 各种机械。防锈剂留下的保护胶,含绿色荧光剂,方便辩认施涂表面,在大多数应用中, 防锈膜在注塑过程中自动清除,使用模具前无需再清洗。 (注使用前把模具清洗乾净及吹乾)
警 告:使用前作小样测试而作出肯定。内含压力气体,勿让儿童玩耍,勿近火源使 用,勿挤压与碰撞,不可曝晒或燃烧,存放在 40℃ 以下阴凉、通风乾燥处。
A、innovative nano is to optimize the coating nano film, to extend the anti-rust base oil aging, the pairing PH value to the limit, this formula has been a major breakthrough in the world's leading edge rust. Widely used in plastic mold, metal parts, metal products, machinery, etc.. And easily identify the coating surface.
B、before using the mold must be clean and dry, multi-level spray to processing components. Do not use spark oil, white mineral oil, kerosene for cleaning. Recommended mold cleaning agent.
Warning: to make sure the sample test before use. Containing gas under pressure, do not let the child play, not near the fire source, do not squeeze and collision, not exposure or burning, stored in 40 DEG C cool, ventilated and dry place.