液压压砖机压制多空砖,及其参数 适合砖型及产量: 制品规格 长*宽*高(mm) 成型数量 每小时生产量 生产周期 多孔砖 240*115*90 16块 3168块 18秒/次 标 砖 240*115*53 32块 6300块 18秒/次 空心砖 390*190*190 5块 990块 18秒/次 (四)设备特点: 1、采用建丰振动专利技术双振台,使得传振效果更加显著。 2、往复拨叉式强制快速布料均匀。 3、激震与液压结合,产品均匀的密实度。 4、全自动控制,采用日本进口电脑PC控制,有效的使机械振动与液压 的密切配合,成品率高,故障率极低。 5、粉煤灰、炉渣、煤矸石等工业废渣均可作为原材料。 Suitable for brick type and production: Products specifications length * width * height (mm) number Output per hour production cycle Porous brick 240 * 115 * 90 16 pieces of 3168 pieces of 18 seconds/times Standard brick 240 * 115 * 53 32 pieces of 6300 pieces of 18 seconds/time Hollow brick 390 * 190 * 5 190 190 pieces of 18 seconds/time (4) characteristics of the equipment: 1, adopt jianfeng patent technology double resonance vibration table, make the effect more pronounced. 2, reciprocating fork type fast cloth forcibly. 3, shock and hydraulic combination, to ensure that the product evenly compactness. 4, automatic control, adopts PC computer control, imported from Japan and effective work closely with the vibration and hydraulic machinery, high yield, low failure rate. 5, fly ash, slag, coal gangue and other industrial waste residue can be used as raw materials. 皮带输送机: 铭泽机械生产的皮带输送机是我公司多年生产经的住考验的可靠具有输送量大、结构简单、维修方便、部 件标准化等优点,它广泛地应用在矿山、冶金、煤炭等部门,用来输送松散物料或成件物品,根据输送工艺要 求,可以单台输送, 也可多台组成或与其他输送设备组成水平或倾斜的输送系统,以满足不同布置形式的作业线需要。皮带输送机 可在环境温度-20℃至+40℃范围内使用,输送物料的温度在50℃以下。长度和工作面宽度都可以根据实际情况 设计制作。是液压制砖生产线的设备之一。 Belt conveyor: Ming Ze machinery production belt conveyor is my company for many years the production of the test of reliable and durable with a large amount of transport, simple structure, easy maintenance, Department The utility model has the advantages that the utility model is widely used in the departments of mine, metallurgy, coal, etc., and is used for conveying loose materials or components Can be a single conveyor, The utility model can also be of a plurality of units or other conveying equipment to form a horizontal or inclined conveying system to meet the requirements of the operating lines of different arrangement forms. Belt conveyor The utility model can be used in the range of -20 DEG C to +40 DEG C, and the temperature of the conveying material is below 50 DEG C. The length and the width of the working surface can be according to the actual situation Design production. It is one of the essential equipment in the hydraulic brick production line. 产品详细描述价格: 面议 本产品主要应用与大中型蒸压灰砂砖厂,用来代替人工装卸成品砖,具有省事省力, 方便快捷等特点。本产品设计合理,使用方便,操作简单,是砖厂老板的得力助手。其中分砖机主要应用于 蒸压釜所出成品,它能将砖坯从中间分开至理想间隙,然后使用夹砖机或夹具将成品夹起。本厂品尺寸 可根据用户需求定做。 夹砖机 抱砖机 卸砖机 装砖机 上砖机 抓砖机的详细信息,由我公司自行提供,如果您对夹砖机 、抱砖 机、 卸砖机、 装砖机 、上砖机、 抓砖机的信息有什么疑问,请与该公司进行进一步联系。