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江阴|宜兴齿轮钢供求信息哪家好|无锡/宜兴|江阴20CrMnTi齿轮钢厂商供应公司|质量好的20CrMnTiH齿轮钢|江阴代理20CrMnTi圆钢厂家莱钢/湘钢/新兴/淮钢生产厂家|质量好泰州/张家港/靖江齿轮钢批发市场专卖;The application of gear steel: gear steel is a kind of steel which can be used to manufacture gears. The utility model is mainly used in automobiles, railways, ships, engineering machinery, and is one of the key materials of special alloy steel. According to the application of gear materials in our country are divided into two categories: vehicle gear steel and industrial gear steel. The former is about 80%. Vehicle gear is mainly for automobiles, motorcycles, agricultural transport vehicles, agricultural machinery, engineering machinery supporting the gear, the main car gear.齿轮钢的应用:齿轮钢是对可用于加工制造齿轮的钢材的统称。主要用于汽车、铁路、船舶、工程机械中,是特殊合金钢中要求较高的关键材料之一,是安全的核心部件的制造材料。
我国齿轮材料按齿轮的应用分为车辆齿轮用钢和工业齿轮用钢两大类, 前者约占80%。 车辆齿轮主要是为汽车、摩托车、农用运输车、农机、工程机械配套的齿轮, 以汽车齿轮为主。车辆齿轮中:汽车齿轮占60%、摩托车3.5%、农用运输车15%、农机12%、工程机械9.5%。使用主要钢种有:20CrMnTi(H)、20CrMoH、16~ 28-MnCr5、8620H、ZF6、ZF7等。 工业齿轮是为工业企业用各种成套机械装备配套的齿轮装置(如减速机), 约占齿轮总量的20 %。主要钢种有:30/35/42CrMo、GCr15、20CrMnTi(H)、40CrNiMoA、8620H、20MnTiB齿轮钢等, 20CrMnTi(H)使用量较小, 约占工业齿轮量的10%。 应用举例:钢种42CrMo 0.38-0.45 0.17-0.37 0.50-0.80 0.90-1.20 ≤0.30 0.15-0.25 20CrMnTiH 0.17-0.23 0.17-0.37 0.80-1.10 1.0-1.30 ≤0.30 0.04-0.10
1)42CrMo齿轮钢具有强度高、淬透性高、韧性好、淬火时变形小、高温时有高 的蠕变强度和持久强度等特点。用于制造要求较35CrMo齿轮钢强度更高和调质截面更大的锻件,机车牵引用的大齿轮、增压器传动齿轮、压力容器齿轮、后轴、受载荷的连杆及弹簧夹;也可用于2000m以下石油深井钻杆接头与打捞工具;并且可以用于折弯机的模具等。 2)20CrMnTiH齿轮钢光圆是性能良好的渗碳钢,淬透性较高、经渗碳淬火后具有硬而耐磨的表面与坚韧的心部具有较高的低温冲击韧性、焊接性中等、正火后可切削性良好。用于制造截面<30mm的承受高速、中等或重载荷、冲击及摩擦的重要零件;如:齿轮、齿圈、齿轮轴十字头等。广泛用作渗碳零件,在汽车.拖拉机工业用于截面在30mm以下;承受高速.中或重负荷以及受冲击.摩擦的重要渗碳零件;如齿轮.轴.齿圈.齿轮轴.滑动轴承的主轴.十字头.爪形离合器.蜗杆等。 is a good performance of carburizing steel, high hardenability, carburizing after quenching with hard and wear-resistant surface and the heart tough has higher low-temperature impact toughness, weldability medium, normalizing machinability is good. Used in the manufacture of cross section <30mm to bear high speed, medium or heavy load, impact and friction of the important parts, such as: gear, gear ring, gear shaft cross first class. 18CrMnTi is widely used as a substitute for steel, carburized parts, in the automotive industry for the tractor. Section below 30mm; under high speed or heavy load. And by the impact. The important carburized parts of friction; such as gear shaft. The ring gear. The gear shaft. The spindle. Sliding bearing. The crosshead. Claw clutch worm. Etc.江阴齿轮钢招商信息|安庆/铜陵/宜兴20CrMnTi齿轮钢销售基地|宿迁|徐州|连云港齿轮钢批发|南京齿轮钢分销中心|常州|无锡齿轮钢选购|芜湖/池州/宜兴齿轮钢规格型号

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