≥ 1件¥0.10
英文名:edible fungi
规格:盒装:33gx2袋/盒x200盒/箱 瓶装:320gx40瓶/箱 600gx25瓶/箱 1100gx20瓶/箱
使用方法:1.本品适用于食用菌类作物。 2.苗期每亩使用本品33g,兑水15kg;生长期每亩使用66g,兑水15-30kg,均匀叶面喷施。 3.间隔期不小于7天。
This product with amino pine azoxystrobin dew mother liquor as the basic carrier, and thawing eating bacteria, a variety of nutrients, and common diseases of anti bacterial strains, comprehensive adjustmentThe production of a suitable for edible mushroom health and high yield long-term foliar absorption. Please follow the instructions of the spraying agent, with rare diseases, strong crop resistance to freezing,With substantial production effect, and other high-quality production compared with plots of foliar fertilizer.