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产品名称:BLACK BOX KV1726A

Enable you to access individual servers from a User Station or a ServSwitch Octet.
Dual RJ-45 modules with audio/serial support fit your server connection and its platform.
Expand the capabilities of your ServSwitch Octet?.

A ServSwitch Octet Server Access Module (SAM) draws power from an attached server. This ensures keep-alive functionality, providing keyboard and mouse emulation to the server at any time, and it's independent of the switching system's status.

A SAM has a unique ID address, too. As soon as it's connected to the ServSwitch Octet, the SAM's address appears on the CPU channel list within the connected User Station's on-screen menu. From this menu, the SAM can be operated by an administrator. This plug-and-play simplicity reduces installation time tremendously.

Users can name the SAM's numeric ID through the User Station's on-screen menu. It's stored in the SAM's nonvolatile flash memory.

If you disconnect the SAM from the system and move it to a different location later, its name instantly disappears from the list. Once you plug it back into any of the switch’s CPU ports, the SAM is recognized again by the system automatically without any additional reconfiguration. You can also connect a SAM directly to a User Station to provide direct access to the server without interrupting the emulation.

ServSwitch Octet Server Access Modules (SAMs) are matchbox-size molded units with a pigtail cable attached. They're available in several versions to match your CPU and platform. The models described here include support for audio and serial connections for PS/2, USB, or Sun HD15.

This product works with:
ServSwitch Octet
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