深圳汉高乐泰销售处,昆山乐泰,东莞乐泰,上海汉高乐泰销售。致电陈生 137、5113、6332.Q.Q/30/22/24/564/ 供应乐泰190024LV 美国乐泰190024LV 乐泰190024S LOCTITE 190024LV can be cured by exposure to UV and/or visible light ofsufficient intensity. Surface cure is enhanced by exposure to UV lightin the 220 to 260 nm range. Cure rate and ultimate depth of curedepend on light intensity, spectral distribution of light source,exposure time and light transmittance of the substrate through whichthe light must pass.Fixture TimeUV fixture time is defined as the light exposure time required todevelop a shear strength of 0.1 N/mm2.UV Fixture Time , Glass microscope slides, seconds:6 mW/cm2, measured @ 365 nm <10TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF CURED MATERIALSample cured 30 mW/cm2 @ 365 nm for 30 seconds (Typical CureRecommendation)