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After A Year Of Carefully Crafted, My Zoo Series Will Soon Launch The Market
Artemis Technology Co., Ltd. Is about to launch a focus on children's psychological exploration of the product "Mind Lab", according to the official details, which mainly solve young children can not accurately express their true inner thoughts, and parents can not be timely Master the baby growing psychological problems. It is reported that "Mind Lab" color analysis function is combined with the Internet hundreds of thousands of children's growth data, and domestic and foreign professional children's psychological research institutions to study the results through children's color commonly used color, and color preferences analysis, real-time feedback The real heart of the idea, timely help parents understand the child psychology, to solve the problem of child growth.
据了解,“麦族心探索” “麦族哇(VR)看世界”“麦族宠物乐趣”等系列产品都是“麦族梦剧场”中的模块产品,“麦族梦剧场”是月神科技打造的儿童成长生态体系,主旨在于打造一个专属于儿童成长的互动平台,帮助儿童健康成长,合理解决成长问题。
With the "Mind Lab" exposure also Myzoo series of other products - "Myzoo VR" "Myzoo Pet" and other products.
It is understood that, "Mind Lab" "myzoovr" "Myzoo Pet" and other products are "Myzoo Family" in the module products, "Myzoo Family" is Artemis Technology Co., Ltd. Focused on creating children's growth ecological system, the main purpose is to build a professional Is an interactive platform for children's growth experts to help children grow up healthy and solve the problem of growth.
According to the founder of Artemis, the Myzoo family of products focuses on the growth of children, solving the problems of children's growth, and using the most advanced AR and VR technologies, it turns the world of children's imagination into reality and leads children to explore the unknown.
"Myzoo Animation" "Myzoo Lepin School" is expected to be officially released in March next year or so.

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