YTN-63H 0-40MPa G1/4 北京BLD布莱迪 全不锈钢耐震压力表 布莱迪压力表 北京BLD 布莱迪压力产品
选型代码code 量程规格ranges 选型代码code 量程规格ranges 选型代码code 量程规格ranges
M500 -0.1-0MPa M040 0.16 MPa M200 6 MPa
M510 -0.1-0.06 MPa M060 0.25 MPa M220 10 MPa
M520 -0.1-0.15 MPa M080 0.4 MPa M230 16 MPa
M 530 -0.1-0.3 MPa M100 0.6 MPa M240 25 MPa
M540 -0.1-0.5 MPa M120 1 MPa M270 40 MPa
M550 -0.1-0.9 MPa M140 1.6 MPa M280 60 MP
Y 一般压力表系列
General service pressure gaug
060 Ф 60
100 Ф 100
150 Ф 150
AO 径向直接安装 Bottom mounting
AT 径向前边 Bottom mounting with front flange
AH 径向后边 Bottom mounting with back flange
ZO 中轴向直接安装 Back mounting
ZT 中轴向前边 Back mounting with front flange
BO 下轴向直接安装 Lower back mounting
BT 下轴向前边 Lower back mounting with front flange
200 铁外壳/ 螺钉上紧
Iron case/ Fixed with screw
C20 (改型结构)铁外壳 / 螺钉上紧
M120 1MPa 请参看量程代码表 Other special screw threads
M10 M10× 1
M14 M14× 1.5
M20 M20× 1.5
TOO 其它特殊要求的螺纹 Other requests
BDA 1 级精度 Accuracy: 1%
BHA 1.5级精度 Accuracy: 1.5%
GHB 40%不锈钢管银焊接 40% Silver soldering for Stainless Steel tube</a>