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     我厂欢迎各地方市政部门.水泥制品厂.中国铁建施工单位、水利施工单位、中交公司和社会各界支持中国建设的友情单位,来厂参观,看样,定货! 多棱隔离墩模具   隔离墩模具   隔离墩钢模具  隔离墩塑料模具

Supply multi edge isolation pier mold road isolation pier mold cement isolation pier mold [new energy] U-shaped groove plastic mold | U-shaped channel steel mold | cement U-shaped channel steel mold, specializing in the production of various sizes of high-speed cement products steel mold, high-speed cement water retaining wall sheet metal mold, cement cable channel steel mold, subgrade cement cable channel mold, high-speed cable channel plastic mold, railway tunnel cable Trough mold, cement cable trench mold, cable trench cover plate mold, U-shaped trough mold, cement U-shaped trough mold, ditch U-shaped trough mold, cable trench plastic mold, cable trench cover plate mold, cement brick mold, reinforced concrete cable trench cover plate mold, cable trench cover plate mold, side trench cover plate mold, high-speed ABS cover plate mold, high-speed plastic mold, such as The production of steel mould for cement products is rapid, the shape can be changed at will, and the field production is not limited. The anti-collision isolation pier mould for road isolation pier mould for cement isolation pier mould can be produced in batches quickly with a mixer and a vibrating rod. The high-speed railway cement water retaining wall sheet metal mould developed by our factory has good quality and low price, various sizes, common sizes of 4 meters, 30 cm long and 50 cm wide It is the main cement product mould for high-speed construction of high-speed railway. Welcome to choose

Our factory welcomes all local municipal departments, cement products factories, China railway construction units, water conservancy construction units, CCCC and friendship units from all walks of life who support China's construction to visit our factory, see samples and order! Multi edge isolation pier mold isolation pier mold isolation pier steel mold isolation pier plastic mold

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