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华宁波形护栏端头配件 公路防撞护栏安装价格

护栏板分类与设计条件 护栏板分类 护栏板的形式按刚度的不同可分为 柔性护 由于受到地形条件、 投资和技术条件等多种因 素的制约, 路侧难免存在障碍物, 对越出路外的车辆 构成潜在的危险。路侧护栏板仅设置在能降低事故严 重度的地方, 其设计原则根据人们对公路等级、 交通 量、 车辆组成和路侧特征等因素的主观判断而确定。
Guardrail plate classification and design conditions guardrail plate classificatio公路波形梁钢护栏标准n guardrail plate in the form of the stiffness can be divided into flexible support due to a variety of terrain conditions, investment and technical conditions, because of the restriction of, roadside inevitably there are obstacles, vehicles on the way constitute a potential danger. Roadside guardrail plate disposed on only can reduce the accident severity, and its design principle based on people's subjective judgment on the highway, traffic volume, vehicle composition and roadside features such as factors to determine.
护栏板形式选择 较理想的护栏板形式是既满足功能需要又成本较 低, 而且美观大方, 并能诱导行车视线。缆索护栏板适 合有不均匀下沉、 积雪、 长直线、 有特殊美观要求的 路段; 砼护 栏适合特别危险的 跨河大桥、 悬崖等路 段; 波形护栏有更大的适用性, 基本适合所有路段, 特别是小半径弯道和需要诱导视线的路段。 根据规范要求和湖南省多条高速公路护栏板 设计经验, 一般路段路侧采用波形梁护栏板, 个别特别 困难危险路段采用砼护栏板xf1116663
The form selection of the fence board is the most ideal form of the fence board, which can meet the needs of the function, the lowest cost, and the beautiful appearance, and can induce the driving line of sight. Cable guardrail board suitable for uneven sinking, the snow, the length of a straight line, special aesthetic requirements of road; concrete guardrail for particularly dangerous cross river bridge and Cliff Road; waveform guardrail have greater applicability, is basically suitable for all road segments, especially small radius curve and needed to induce eye sections. According to the specification requirements and Hunan Province a plurality of freeway guardrail board design experience and general sections of roadside the W-beam guardrail plate, the dangerous sections of particular difficulties with concrete guardrail plate
制造工序:钢板经酸洗、冲压成双波或三波板,后做热镀锌或热镀锌喷塑处理。 产品特点:防腐性能好、、美观大方、安装简便快捷。
波形梁钢护栏板代号:普板 DB01,加强板 DB02,
(3)防阻块:178*200*3.0 (A型代号:F-1)200*200*3.0 (B型代号:F-2)注:目前采用的是A型防阻块,与钢管立柱配合使用。每只重2.7-3.0㎏,与九孔板配套。(以上为二波板防阻块)

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